Irkutsk Oil Company to start the construction of the largest gas-processing cluster in Siberia in 2014

The construction of the first gas processing capacities and a liquid hydrocarbon transshipment complex, in the city of Ust-Kut, the Irkutsk oil company plans to started before the end of 2014. The chief engineer of the company G.Ivanov said to ITAR-TASS.

“We are going to implement the gas programme in several stages. The first stage is planned for late 2014 (the transshipment, the transloading of propane-butane mix in Ust-Kuta). They have started investments into the project and the purchase of the equipment, and carried out  the calculations,” he said. The company also works out the choice of technologies for gas-chemical processes together with a supply of dry petrol gas to Ust-Kut for the power sector.”

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