A competitor is chosen for Gazprom

A structure of Sberbank has proved to be the second contender for the Moscow United Energy Company (MOEK), which Gazprom energoholding intends to buy from the city govt. Sberenergodevelopment has granted 10 billion rubles of an advance. This application saved the auction from cancellation. Sberenergodevelopment participates in the auction for the benefit of its investors, Sberbank assures. But the Gazprom’s competitor wasn’t found in the market and analysts doubt that it is real, Kommersant writes.

Yesterday, the Moscow Department of Competition Policy approved both applications for the auction on sale of the MOEK’s property complex, filed by July, 22. Gazprom energoholding (GEH, unites assets of Gazprom), announced its interest in the asset for a long time, and Sberenergodevelopment, the Sberbank’s structure, were permitted to participate. Each of the companies granted an advance in the amount of 9.86 billion rubles.

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