Gazprom blocks RWE and Naftogaz's plans for reverse gas supplies
Gazprom has blocked the attempt of RWE and Naftogaz of Ukraine to set up the reverse supply of Russian gas from Slovakia to Ukraine. To provide for the reverse deliveries, RWE needs to obtain gas from Gazprom at Slovakian-Ukrainian border, however, the monopoly declines it and provides gas only at Austrian border. Launching the re-export means either construction of a new gas line from Austria or making Slovakia fulfill the norms of EU with help of EC judicially.
Actually, Gazprom blocks the reverse gas deliveries from Slovakia to Ukraine, CEO of RWE Supply & Trading Stefan Judisch claimed. “This information is somehow true”, the Head of Minenergougol of Ukraine Eduard Stavitsky confirmed. The representative of Gazprom Sergey Kupriyanov repeated the statement of the Minister.