South Koreans to build a coal terminal in Primorye

The South Korean energy company, Korea Western Power announced the project of the building of a coal terminal with the capacity of  10 million tons in the south of Primorye. The company is also going to assist the development of the coal-mining enterprises in the Far East. The negotiations were conducted in Seoul by the RF Presidential Envoy in the Far Eastern Federal District, Viktor Ishayev and the CEO of Korea Western, Power, Kim Mung Doc.

The President of Korea Western Power noted, the continued growth in the demand for power energy in South Korea provides for the need for the import of energy sources which makes up the firm basis for energy cooperation with Russia. The Korean company and its Russian partners have already started the development of the preliminary feasibility study of the project.

Ishayev specified,the Russian authorities have paid alot of attention to the development of the connections of Far Eastern territories with the neighboring countries, including the Republic of Korea. The joint project with Daewoo is aimed at the building of the new shipbuilding facilities at the Zvezda plant in Primorye is a good example of bilateral cooperation. The cooperation in car-building industry is successful as well.

As stated by Ishayev, the power industry, the production of LNG and the extraction of oil products are the most prospective spheres of cooperation between the RF and the Republic of Korea. Russia is reconstructing sectors of the Trans-Korean main railroad which can probably be connected with Trans-Siberian Railroad. This project will provide the new opportunities for organization of container and other cargo transportation between APR and Europe, reports.



Translated by Alexandra Utyasheva

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