Gaysky GOK to invest more than 190 mln roubles into geological exploration in 2013

Aiming at  the strengthening of its ore base the Gaysky GOK (the enterprise of raw materials complex of UGMK) keeps financing its geological exploration projects. The area at which the geologists of the Gaysky GOK hold the prospecting and evaluation works covers 1,110.1 sq km.

In 2012 the Gaysky GOK obtained 6 licenses for prospecting and evaluation works; 3 of which – for the copper-zinc mineralization of the Isimbay site (the Yasnensky, Adamovsky and Dombarovsky districts) and 3 – for gold containing ore of the Belozersky, Solenodolsky and Kvarkensky sites (the Kvarkensky district). The reserves of forecast resources of these sites are assessed at more than 280 thousand tons of copper, 255 thousand tons of zinc and 102 tons of gold respectively.

All the deposits that are to be developed by the Gaysky GOK in the future are located in the economically developed districts of the Orenburg region and connected with it by the railway and access roads. Besides the additional economic efficiency, the development of new deposits will allow the plant to save the teams of workers and specialists engaged in the open –pit mining works.

The Zimnee ore occurrence of the Isimbay site is located in the Yasnensky district of the Orenburg region,13 km from the town of Yasny. According to the chief geologists of the Gaysky GOK, S. Budchenko, the forecast resources of this ore occurrence make up 152 thousand tons of copper, 109.6 thousand tons of zinc. The technological tests showed that it is possible to produce out of the ore from the deposit saleable copper and zinc concentrates with quite high rates by the extraction of useful components.

The Belozersky gold ore occurrence is located in the Kvarkensky district, not far from the already worked out by the plant Yuzhno-Kirovsky deposit. The contained in the ore native gold is mostly in the form of submicroscopic shot in the minerals and partially in sulfides. The total gold volume is 16 tons.

This is the raw materials resource that is forecast for 5-7 years, chief geologist of the Gaysky GOK says. In 2013-2014 we will have a clear image of the new deposits which on the results of the geological exploration will be prospected and evaluated in the Dombarovsky, Kvarkensky and Yasnensky districts. In the framework of the strategic development the plant plans in 2015-2016 to put into operation a few another mines in these districts. So the Gaysky GOK has good perspectives and they are quite optimistic.





Translated by Galiya Musabekova

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