“Privat” intends to collect over 255 mln grivnas for oil storage from Ukrtransnafta

​The controlled by Privat Ukrtatnafta PJSC asks the Economic Court of Kiev to collect the not acknowledged by Ukrtransnafta debt by the agreements of technological oil storage reservoirs lease at the amount of 255.752 mln grivnas, the acting CEO of Ukrtransnafta, R. Sidorak, said.

According to him, besides Ukrtatnafta, similar claims were filed by “Galichina” oil processing complex and “Neftekhimik Prikarpatie”.

Ukrtransneft filed counter claims by these cases.

We demand to cancel these agreements, prove them invalid, Sidorak said.

According to him, all 3 agreements between Ukrtransnafta and the abovementioned companies were signed for providing the service on the lease of reservoirs but in fact are the storage agreements as the monthly fee by them depends on the volume of the stored oil.

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