How Rosneft and Gazpromneft divide the Vietnam refinery

In addition to attraction of investment in hydrocarbon production on shelf, Vietnam is also interested in the possibility of Russian oil supplies to the refinery Dung Quat, which capacity is 140 thousand barrels per day (about 7 million tons per year). Vietnam plans to increase the capacity of the plant by more than 40% to 200 thousand barrels per day (10 million tons per year) by the end of 2017, as well as to prepare the refinery for processing of cheaper sour crude from Russia, the Middle East and Venezuela. In order to find the necessary resources, the country considers sale of 49% of the refinery to a foreign investor. The cost of the refinery construction made up about $3.1 billion, while the necessary investments in its modernization and capacity expansion are estimated at approximately $1.2 billion.

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