Total without retinue.

The French have left the hard-to-recover oil to LUKOIL.

French Total, confirming its continued interest in working in Russia, is still leaving its problem projects. Following Shtokman the French will abandon the joint venture with Lukoil to develop areas with hard-to-recover oil: Total still can not work here under sanctions. However, the company intended to maintain other projects in Russia, the head of Total in Russia Jacques de Buassezon confirmed "the Kommersant".

LUKOIL was going to compensate costs of the acquisition of three licenses for areas with hard-to-recover oil at Bazhenov Formation for the Total, Vagit Alekperov stated yesterday. "We agreed that we will continue to work on our own", - he stated, adding that Total "will certainly be able to return to the project after the sanctions". The head of Total in Russia Jacques de Buassezon confirmed "the Kommersant" that "the company wants to resume cooperation with LUKOIL at the Bazhenov Formation, once the sanctions are lifted".

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