Prokhorenko has been appointed the head of Ukrgasdobycha

On June 25th the Cabinet of Ministers approved O. Prokhorenko for the position of the head of Ukrgasdobycha PJSC instead of S. Kostyuk who decided to quit, the Minister of Economy, A. Abromavichus said.

On June 19th the website of the Cabinet of ministers reported that the Prime Minister, A. Yatsenyuk, ordered Naftogas to change the management of Ukrgasdobycha due to the accumulated debts before the state company at the volume of 373 mln grivna.

The head of Ukrgasdobycha, S. Kostyuk, denies the presence of these debts. He says currently only Naftogas has debts before Ukrgasdobycha. This information was confirmed by the results of the audit of debts of Ukrgasdobycha held by Naftogas.

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