“Gazprom dobycha Yamburg” plans to increase gas extraction by 6% to 170 bln cubic m in 2015

​“Gazprom dobycha Yamburg”, an affiliate of Gazprom, plans to increase gas extraction in 2015 by 65 to 170 bln cubic m, CEO of “Gazprom dobycha Yamburg”, O. Arno, said.

“In conformity with the approved by Gazprom plans and current corrections to it, we plan to extract about 170 bln cubic m of gas and 4.5 mln tons of gas condensate in 2015”, he said.

In 2014 the extraction of “Gazprom dobycha Yamburg” made up about 160.2 bln cubic m and 4.76 mln tons of gas condensate.

“Gazprom dobycha Yamburg” Ltd is a 100% affiliate of Gazprom, it is working in the Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area. The enterprise develops the Yamburg and Zapolyarnoe deposits, holds the licenses for the Taz, Parus, South and North-Parus, Taz-Zapolyarny and Seyakhinsky subsoil sites. The company is responsible for the development of the North-Kamennomyssky, Kamennomyssky-more, Chugoryakhinsky, Obsky, Semakovsky, Antipayutinsky, Tota-Yakhinsky deposits.

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