US sanctions haven’t influenced on activity of Yamal LNG

​The sectoral sanctions introduced by the US Government on Novatek haven’t influenced on the activity of “Yamal LNG”.

“The inclusion in the list of sanctions hasn’t influenced on the assets, obligations and operations of the group in any jurisdiction in which it works”.

On July 16th 2014 the Control Management over foreign assets of the USA issued the list of sectoral sanctions in which Novatek was included as well as the companies in which it holds over 50%. As Novatek holds 60% in Yamal LNG, the sanctions refer this group as well. The list doesn’t allow citizens and legal bodies of the USA and those who are on the territory of the USA issue new financing to the group for over 90 days, however, all other deals and operations, including financial ones, realized by the US citizens on the territory of the USA are allowed.

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