Rosneft has cannecelled a drilling unit of Northern Offshore

​The “Energy Endeavor” drilling unit was planned to be attracted in the summer 2015, is said in the press release of Northern Offshore.

Rosneft has cancelled the order for the execution of the “Energy Endeavor” drilling unit of Northern Offshore.

“Northern Offshore announces that Rosneft has notified North Atlantic Drilling Limited (NADL) of refusing to use the “Energy Endeavor” drilling unit of Northern Offshore”, is reported. The drilling unit was planned to be attracted in the summer 2015.

Previously in March Bloomberg reported that Rosneft had cancelled the order for the purchase of equipment of North Atlantic Drilling Limited.

“Though it is not unexpected, we are disappointed by that but we will keep realizing our opportunities in this region using our previous experience of drilling in the Arctic of Russia”, President of Northern Offshore, G. Casswell said.

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