Oil export from Russia to China in 2015 might insignificantly rise

The volume of the Russian oil supplies to China in 2015 will stay at the level of 2014 or insignificantly rise, the President of “Unipec” (affiliate of Sinopec), Ch. Bo, said.

According to him, it is difficult to make a more precise forecast as there is it is not clear how the economy of China will develop in H2. Meanwhile there is a fall of demand for gasoline and diesel fuel in the market of China.

Russia is the 3rd important oil supplier to China after Saudi Arabia and Angola. In 2014 China imported 33.11 mln tons of oil from Russia, by 35.4% more than in 2013.

At the present time China imports oil from Russia by various routes, including by ESPO, by the pipeline via the territory of Kazakhstan, sea transport.

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