KZOTsM attracts a credit line in Sberbank

The Volga-Viatka bank of Sberbank Russia stated “Kirov non-ferrous metal working plant” (an enterprise of UGMK) opened a nonrevolving credit line with a limit of 260 million roubles.

The credited funds have been granted for a period of 1 year for working capital and the current activity financing of the enterprise. The Kirov plant is one of the largest Russian nonferrous mill products production from copper and its alloys. The product is used in car building, machine building, the steel industry, energy sector, electric engineering, electronic industry and other sectors. OJSC “Ural mining-and-smelting company” (UGMK, Sverdlovsk region) owns 94.1098% of the registered capital of the “Kirov non-ferrous metal working plant”.

Translated by Iraida Idiyatova

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