Centrenergoholding bought from Gazprom Energoholding 9.95% in RAO UES Vostoka for 1.6 billion rubles

Centrenergoholding bought from Gazprom Energoholding LLC 9.9548% or 4,522,879 stocks in RAO UES Vostoka JSC for 1.583 billion rubles. Also, Centrenergoholding closed the transaction for additional stocks issuing in favor of Gazprom Energoholding at a rate of 2.2 billion stocks by 0.65 rubles per stock, with face value of 0.01 rubles per stock, 1.43 billion rubles in the total. The shareholders of Centrenergoholding approved the transaction at the extraordinary meeting on February 13 2013. Centrenergoholding was founded via reorganizing of RAO UES of Russia JSC.

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