Norilsk Nickel fights for flanks

As the Kommersant has got to know, Norilsk Nickel requests the Government to introduce an application principle of issue of licenses for flanks of producing fields. The company is also dissatisfied with preferences of Rosgeologiya, which has received the right for search license on application, which caused claims of the FAS. Norilsk Nickel insists that mining companies should have priority to the study of the wings, even if Rosgeologiya claims to them. Related agencies support the initiative of the application principle, but the Economy Ministry wants equality of subsoil users and Rosgeologiya.

On October 13, Norilsk Nickel asked the Government to give subsoil users the preferential right to receive search license for flanks adjacent to the developing deposits, the Kommersant’s sources report. Now companies have to wait until the state put up prospecting licenses for the competition or auction, and Norilsk Nickel also offers to give them on the application principle.

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