Will Azerbaijan have enough gas?

Azerbaijan is gradually moving towards its goal. The country actively works on geological exploration and development of gas condensate fields and intends to become one of the suppliers of "blue fuel" to Europe. At the same time, the country completely met its domestic fuel needs and has long exported its gas to Turkey and Georgia, as well as delivers it to Iran in swap operations (replacement). However, the development of the country leads to objective consequences, one of which is the increase in the consumption of gas, which poses new tasks to SOCAR.

Recent news that the Russian gas monopoly Gazprom will start gas supplies to Azerbaijan raised a number of questions, for which we will try to find answers.

Let’s recall, recently it became known that the methanol plant of AzMeCo signed an agreement on purchase of up to 2 billion cubic meters of gas per year from Gazprom export. The natural gas supplies will provide a guaranteed 100% loading of the Garadagh methanol plant’s facilities.

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