RosGeo is going to include another 10 state enterprises

RosGeo is going to include another 10 state enterprises, the Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia, the Director of the Russian Subsoil Use Management Agency V. Pak said on June 24th at the parliamentary session in the State Duma devoted to ‘The strategy of the Russian geological sector's development until 2030’. He states that foundation of RosGeo enabled it to stop the uncontrolled privatization of the state geological exploration enterprises and was a measure of intensification of the prospecting and exploration stage. Now it unites 37 geological enterprises. Now they carry out the second stage of the consolidation of the state organizations during which the Ministry has elaborated the suggestions for further augmentation of RosGeo because of the 10 state geological organizations included to the privatization plan, and for the creation of a change in the Russian Subsoil Use Management Agency to a network of the federal budget entities that will participate in the realization of the tasks of the agency. The network of the subdivisions will include the organizations of scientific analytical and information and expert blocks.

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