Naftogaz: the gas pipeline damaged by an explosion to be restored in July

The thread of the transit gas pipeline Urengoy-Pomary- Uzhgorod, which was damaged in an explosion in the Poltava region, will be launched in early July after the completion of repairs, the deputy head of the Naftogaz Ukrainy’s Board, Alexander Todiichuk reported on Tuesday.

Last week there was an explosion on the Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod gas pipeline in the Poltava region. Emergency crews closed off the damaged area and transferred the flow of gas to the parallel line of the gas pipeline. The incident didn’t have an impact on volume of the gas transit to Europe, Ukrtransgaz stated. Investigating authorities consider a terrorist attack as their version of the explosion. The Ukrainian Service for Emergency Situations initially reported that the explosion occurred as a result of depressurization.

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