Gazprom to pretend for 10 sites in Yamal, and Rosneft and Lukoil – for a site in the Khatanga Gulf

Gazprom has filed applications for geological study of about 10 sites in the Yamal peninsula, the Head of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources Sergei Donskoy stated, noted that those sites, where only gas would be discovered, would be transferred to the concern. As for sites with oil fringe, as well as sites in the Khatanga Gulf in Taimyr, for which Rosneft and Lukoil pretend, the Ministry intends to hold auctions before the end of the year.

Gazprom filed applications for roughly 10 subsoil areas in Yamal, a number of news agencies reported on Saturday, referring to the statement of the Head of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources Sergei Dosnkoy.

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