Gazprom success in shelf battle with Rosneft

Gazprom is successful in the struggle with Rosneft for Arctic shelf. Gazprom and its partner Shell managed to defend 7 out of 8 sectors the oil company contended for. All these sectors are situated in the Kara Sea. The remaining disputable deposit in the West-Siberian Sea will either be shared or developed jointly. Though, both companies are skeptical about possible partnership.

The Ministry of Natural Resources, Gazprom and Rosneft completed their dispute about the sectors at the shelf of the Kara Sea, Minister of Natural Resources Sergey Donskoy reported yesterday. “It has been decided that Gazprom keeps the sectors in the Kara Sea it applied for”, the official specified. These are 7 following sectors – Amderminsky, Nevsky, Obruchevsky, West-Sharapovsky, Sharapovsky, North-Khasaveysky and Leningradsky. Their resources remain unknown.

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