Tulachermet considers possibility to produce stainless steel

In 2016, the first stage of the casting-rolling complex of Tulachermet-Steel with the volume of production of up to 1.8 million tons of shapes and sections per year should come into operation. The company is now designing a project of the second stage. As vice president of strategy and communications of Industrial Metallurgical holding company (IMH) Sergei Frolov reported at the conference "Stainless steel and the Russian market", we are talking about the creation of a complex for the production of 500 thousand tons of stainless steel per year.

According to the project, it is supposed to establish two filling machines LPK-2 – for sections and slab. It is assumed to annually produce up to 200 thousand tons of rolled stainless steel and 300 thousand tons of sheet. The launch of the enterprise can be realized at the end of 2019, beginning of the commercial production is scheduled for 2020.

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