Negotiations on a control of the Ukrainian gas transmission network to take place on May3, in Brussels

There is no reason why Russia shouldn’t be a supervisor at the bilateral meeting between the Ukraine and the EU in Brussels on May 3. There planned a meeting of the European companies on May 2, Gazprom is also a participant of Eurogas, A.Narbut, an expert in energy sector said about it on April 23. 

Let us remind that an official spokesman for “Gazprom” S.Kupriyanov asserted that the Russian “Gazprom” is not about to take part at the round table, concerning the management of the Ukrainian gas transmission network, which will take place on May 3, in Brussels. They would rather make an appointment for May 5. There will certainly be no spokesman for Gazprom, S.Kupriyanov said. On April 22 the Minister of Energy and Coal Industry of the Ukraine E.Stavitsky asserted that the Ukraine did not receive an official reply to an invitation to take part in the negotiations, concerning the management of the Ukrainian gas transmission network.

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