Russia can’t develop the shelf deposits on its own

The Russian authorities have officially recognized that the industry of the Russian Federation "is late" with import substitution in the field of offshore technology and it needs the cooperation with other countries. Sources of the Kommersant in the industry notice that this understanding has appeared for a long time ago, so, for example, it was planned to involve a technology partner for the "super-shipyard" Zvezda in Primorye. But after the introduction of sanctions the direct cooperation with foreign companies almost stopped. However, according to the Kommersant’s information, the contacts with foreigners continue, although "they are not advertised loudly".

Russia has already "been late with the import substitution of equipment on the shelf" and can’t deal without "integration with other countries that have experience in this area," - Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin said yesterday. He stressed that there are many countries with experience on the shelf, which didn’t impose the sanctions against Russia. In fact, this is the first official recognition of the high-ranking official in the fact that it’s difficult to fully carry out import substitution in mechanical engineering without foreign technologies.

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