Expert: one of the reasons of gas extraction fall in the Crimea – delay of Russia with import replacement of equipment

Russia is late with the import replacement of oil and gas equipment for working at the shelf, Vice-Prime Minister of Russia, A. Khloponin, said.

He thinks it is impossible to work in this sector without integration with other countries. However, there are many countries with such experience and that have not imposed sanctions on Russia. Meanwhile even those countries that haven’t introduced sanctions are afraid to oppose the USA.

The head of “Psikheya” center, S. Sapegin, said that the delay with import replacement of oil and gas equipment is one of the reasons of reduction of hydrocarbons extraction in the Crimea and lack of gas to cover the needs of the peninsula.

Gas has been used. Reserves accumulated by Naftogas before the annexation of the Crimea at the Crimea at the Glebovsky underground storage were used to cover the fallen extraction, the expert said.

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