"Rosneft" reports the participation of ExxonMobil in construction of the "Far East LNG".

The American oil company ExxonMobil is involved in the construction of an LNG plant on the Sakhalin. There is no information on the rejection of the company from participation in the project of "Rosneft", Vlada Rusakova, the vice-president of "Rosneft", stated, RIA Novosti informs.

"I have not heard about it", - Rusakova stated to the requests for comment the reports about ExxonMobil leaving the project that appeared earlier in the media. According to her, the participants of "Sakhalin-1" are involved in the construction of the LNG plant. In this case the vice-president of "Rosneft" stated that she planned to hold a series of meetings with the leadership of ExxonMobil.

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