Serious flood in the Far East is no threat to ESPO

The serious flooding in the Far east is no threat to ESPO pipeline, the press service of Dalnefteprovod reported.

“There is no threat to stable and safe operation of the pipeline system in the regions where the emergency mode was introduced”, is said in the report.

The width of the underwater crossing of the main line via Amur with the submerged flood-plain at the water surface increased from 4 to 32 km. The pipeline from oil deposits in East Siberia to Kozmino in Primorye is laid in a trench, including the sector under the bottom of Amur. The flood doesn’t touch the pipeline. Nevertheless, the specialists increased the amount of air overflight of the linear part of the pipeline system. The flights are conducted daily. Besides, daily exploration of land objects of ESPO takes place.

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