In 2013, the service subsidiaries of KMG E&P are going to perform capital and underground repairs of correspondently 217 and 3,401 wells

In 2013, the service subsidiaries of KMG E&P (Kazmunai Gas Exploration & Production) are going to perform capital and underground repairs of correspondently 217 and 3,401 wells.

The drilling department of Ozenmunaigaz being a 100% subsidiary of KMG E&P, provides the service in the wells andcarries out the  pipelines repairs, and the Technological Transport and Well Service department LLC, also a 100% subsidiary of KMG E&P provides the services in the wells capital and underground repairs, the road construction,the leasing of vehicles for the oil production companies. Both companies founded in 2012 are provided with enough volume of work to accomplish in accordance with the production plans.

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