Irkutsk Oil Company awaits annual gas supplies of up to 5 billion cubic m to Sila Sibiri pipeline

The Irkutsk Oil Company negotiates with the Ministry of Energy and Gazprom about the possible associated oil gas supplies to Sila Sibiri pipeline from its deposits in the north of the Irkutsk region, the representative of Irkutsk Oil Company A. Didenok says. The potential volume of supplies to the new GTS is 5 billion cubic m a year. Besides from the export supplies, in the next 5 years the Irkutsk Oil Company is going to increase associated oil gas production to 7 billion cubic m a year for its gas chemical plant built in Ust-Kut. The project will be launched in 2019, and the planned investment is 110 -120 billion rubles.

The main lobbyist of access to the new GTS for the independent producers is Rosneft. It negotiates with Gazprom about gas supplies at a rate of 18 billion cubic m from its East Siberian deposits.

On May 21st, Gazprom and CNPC closed the contract for Russian pipeline gas supplies to China. The contract is closed for 30 years and presupposes annual supplies of 38 billion cubic m of gas. The total price of the contract is $400 billion.

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