BP-TNK’s minority shareholders to be able to receive dividends under Rosneft’s standards in the period from March, 21

BP-TNK’s minority shareholders will be able to figure on payments of dividends under Rosneft’s standards in the period from March 21, the Rosneft’s President Igor Sechin reported.

“I think it’s fairly to speak about standards of dividend payments, which were determined by Rosneft from the moment of the ownership of BP-TNK’s assets, from March 21, we bear responsibility for proper work with our shareholders in full,” – the prime cites him. Sechin also noted that the minority shareholders hadn’t presented their suggestions to Rosneft, but the company’s Board of Directors planned to discuss the issue about organization of a committee for work with the minority shareholders. The committee will be headed by the Vice President of Economics and Finance Svyatoslav Slavinsky and the Chief of the Legal Department Igor Maidannik.

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