Gazpromneft-Khantos uses new efficient solutions in well drilling

Gazpromneft-Khantos has successfully completed testing of the new mud Kla-Shield at the South-Priobskoye field. The result is the increase in drilling efficiency - reducing the time of construction of horizontal wells and reducing the volume of the preparation of drilling mud due to the ability to use it again. Testing and introduction of new drilling fluids are conducted in one of the areas of technology strategy of Gazpromneft, which is aimed at the introduction of innovative technologies and means to further improve the production efficiency.

The new technology testing began in 2015. During six months, experts of scientific and technical center of Gazpromneft together with specialists of Gazpromneft-Khantos assessed the technical and economic parameters of the drilling of three horizontal wells, at which the Kla-Shield mud system was tested.

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