In September, Lukoil to launch its petrochemical enterprises in the Ukraine

Lukoil has confirmed its plans to launch its petrochemical enterprises in the Ukraine on September 10th,  IITAR-TASS transmits, referring to the Russian company.

IIn particular, the Ukrainian Government and Lukoil have agreed on te resumption of Karpatneftekhim’s work.

“After difficult and long negotiations, we agreed that Lukoil’s Ukrainian enterprises would start to work on September, 10th. In particular, we expect that the production of polyethylene, caustic soda, vinyl chloride and polyvinylchloride resin products will be resumed at Karpatneftekhim in Kalush of the Ivano-Frankivsk region,” – the Head of the Ukrainian Governmen,t Nikolay Azarov stated earlier.

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