Bashneft shareholder estimates the losses from the actions of the company at $ 10 billion.

"Bashneft-pole" - a joint venture of Bashneft and LUKOIL – has total losses from the license transmission of the deposit named after Trebs and Titov at approximately $ 10 billion, Railya Inozemtseva, a minority shareholder of "Bashneft", came to this conclusion, contesting the deal in the courts.

Ms. Inozemtseva became a shareholder of the oil company buying ten shares of the company in February - just a month before the contested event occurred. The amount of damage, according to Kommersant, is the sum of the losses from the oil sales transaction to the LUKOIL affiliate "at a lower price", acting, according to the assumption of the minority shareholder, for the entire duration of the license (until 2036). The damage is estimated by the minority shareholder at $ 8.4 billion. Railya Inozemtseva also includes $ 1.6 billion loss to the damage from cooperation with Lukoil on "non-market" conditions, including the fact that the antitrust law limits Bashneft oil transshipment at Lukoil’s Varandej terminal at the market rate. As a result, Ms. Inozemtseva demands to annul the decisions of the Bashneft Governing Bodies on reissuing of the license, as well as the fact of license renewal itself.

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