In August "Rosneft" to set up the Eastern Petroleum Company building project implementation in Primorye.

In August "Rosneft" will start the preparatory work on the construction of the petrochemical complex of the Eastern Petrochemical Company (VNHK) in Primorsky Kray, Viktor Ishayev, the "Rosneft" Vice President, reported today at a press conference.

"We have already agreed upon all the primary solutions with the "Russian Railways", with "Transneft", the technical specifications were received from the engineers. 12 million tons of crude oil will be delivered to VNHK via the ESPO per year. We will solve the problem with "Gazprom" in the near future. In August we will begin the preparatory work for the construction of VNHK", - Ishayev stated.

He also noted that "The plant is big, we need an additional allocation of land". The vice president of "Rosnfeti" considers the government decree or a federal law necessary, similar to the law on phased simplified procedure (FL-93) on the construction of facilities for the 2012 APEC summit in Vladivostok. "We are waiting for a decree or federal law. Perhaps the necessary simplification of the construction will be reflected in the law on areas of the advanced development, which will also be adopted soon", - Ishayev stated.

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