Shale gas separates London and Paris: difference in energy strategies of European countries play into the hands of Gazprom

The situation at the European market is becoming more uncertain, taking into account that the major countries declare different approaches to the provision of energy security. Hardly France had rejected plans on extraction of shale gas, when the Ministry of Finance of the UK promised to create "the most favorable tax regime in the world" for companies that provide shale fuel. Germany, which phased out nuclear power, tries to ban its developent  in the European Union. But it isn’t clear if Russia will be able to take advantage of this discordance, the Nezavisimaya Gazeta (NG) writes.
"Shale gas has a huge potential, and it should work for the benefit of the British economy, - the Head of the Ministry of Finance, George Osborne stated on Friday, - The development of this sector will increase the energy security, and will allow us to create hundreds of working places".

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