Ukrgasdobycha puts up 7.6 thousand tons of LPG for auction for the second time a month

​ Ukrgasdobycha PJSC puts up 7,619 tons LPG for the auction on the sale of LPG. The trades will be held on May 28th.

3,549 tons of gas with the shipment in road tankers and 4,070 tons of railway lots are offered.

At the previous auction on May 12th Ukrgasdobycha sold 8,091 tons of resources out of the offered  9,996 tons. Autogas of the Seleschinsky and Yablunovsky LPG were sold at the price of 10,800-11,000 grivna/tons. The price of railway lots fell to 10,617-10,717 grivna/ton.

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