Rosneft receive first results of problematic “black gold” production

The oil production – the main source of stability of pumping up the Russian budget – decreases in the country: brown fields are petered out. That’s why oil workers and the state pay more and more attention to so-called scavenger oil. But technologies of such type of “black oil” extraction are just designed in majority of companies, and the companies just design programs to involve such deposits in industrial development. That’s why examples of the sector’s leaders, which receive the first tons of “difficult oil” in cooperation with large western contractors, are interesting.

In 2013, the trend becomes more obvious: the oil production in Russia decreases every year. The production peak in the key oil region – Western Siberia – was in 2007. Then the result of 278 million tons was registered – the maximum production volume in the Khanty-Mansiisk autonomous district in the last decade. From 2008, all oil companies in the region decrease the production. By results of 2011, 261 million tons of oil were produced in the region (over 50% of the whole Russian production; 39.1 million tons of oil were produced in the second producing region - the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District. Note, oil is produced in 18 regions of Russia).

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