Novatek’s subsidiary to supply gas to the amount of 10 billion rubles to Perm Minudobreniya through until 2017

The Novatek subsidiary – Novatek-Perm - will supply gas to the amount of 10.088 billion rubles to Mineralnye udobreniya (Perm, producer of nitrogenous fertilizers and ammonia, a part of Uralkhim) through until 2017, the Perm company reports.

On December 20, the parties concluded an additional agreement to the gas supply contract, in accordance with which the supplier was to deliver gas. The deadline for the fulfillment of the obligations: the gas supply  - till December 31, 2016, and the final settlement - till January 25, 2017, the RIA Novosti reports.

This deal was approved by the Perm company’s Board of Directors on December 18, this year.

Translated by Svetlana Kyrzhaly

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