Tatneft successfully introduces new technologies of TatNIPIneft

Tatneft successfully introduces a technology, developed by TatNIPIneft, which reduces water influx in carbonate reservoirs using water-swellable elastomers, the company reports

The development is based on blocking the water influx paths with a special elastomeric powder, which, unlike the commonly used water-swellable polymer, restrictedly swells in the water, thus maintaining the plugging capability for a longer time. In order to retain it in suspension, the powder is injected in solution of polyacrylamide.

The most promising is application of the technology in carbonate porous-fractured reservoirs, including at the Romashkinskoye field. Its use reduces the water content of products by at least 30% with the duration of the effect during at least 1 year and additional oil production in the volume of at least 450 tons from well per year.

The main advantages of the technology is the availability of domestic reagents, ease of use and implementation using a standard technique for repair of wells

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