Major Vankor development will enable Rosneft to enlarge its resource base by over 350 million tons of oil

The major Vankor development will enable Rosneft to enlarge its resource base by over 350 million tons of oil. The development of the production of Vankor began 5 years ago, on August 21st 2009. Within the period, they produced 85 million tons of oil and gas condensate.. Now daily output exceeds 60,000 tons of oil.

Now they have started development of the Vankor cluster on the basis of the infrastructure created at the deposit. In November 2013, Rosneft made Vankorneft CJSC the operator of the projects for development of the Suzun, Tagul and Lodochnoye deposits. Forming of the Vankor cluster and Big Vankor development will enable Rosneft to enlarge its resource base by over 350 million tons of oil.

This week Rosneft has enlarged its shareholding in the Krasnoyarsk Vankorneft from 93.96% to 100%. In 2013, Rosneft extracted at Vankor 21 million tons or 153.1 million barrels of oil. Gas yield was 6.55 billion cubic m.

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