Gazprom proposes Alexander Medvedev as president of International Gas Union

Gazprom has proposed the deputy chairman of the company Alexander Medvedev as the Russian candidate for the position of President of the International Gas Union (IGU). The term of office of the IGU’s new president will begin in 2018 and will last for four years.

In October 2013, Gazprom proposed Medvedev as a candidacy for the post. IGU’s Charter provides that its leader has no right to hold other positions in corporations.

At the moment, the IGU, founded in 1931, has more than 100 members (72 active members and 30 associate members) from 71 countries, which have 95% of natural gas production in the world. The National associations of gas companies, as well as large companies and representatives of the gas industry have membership of the IGU, the RBC reports.

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