Gazprom ready to pay 100 bln roubles for Moscow united energy company

Moscow might put up for sale its heat supply structures, including the Moscow united energy company (MUEC). “Gazprom Energoholding” hopes to be issued a loan for the deal by Gazprom and is ready to purchase the asset until the end of Q2. If the deal is signed, a part of the boiler houses of MUEC will be shut down, that will allow the holding to load the thermal power plants of the controlled by it Mosenergo.

Next Tuesday, March 26th, the Moscow Government is to announce of the privatization of the Moscow united energy company (MUEC) that holds the district heating network of Moscow, a source of Kommersant close to Gazprom Energoholding said. According to them, the entire package of MUEC’s shares, that belongs to the Government of Moscow (90%) as well as the thermal power assets that haven’t been introduced to the company’s registered capital, will be put up for the trades. The start-up price of the lot will be about 100 bln roubles. After the announcement of the privatization it should take 90-120 days to prepare for the auction. To sign the deal the approval of FAS and the directive of Roimuschestvo should be obtained.

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