Sibur has become the largest seller in the chemicals and oil chemicals industry in 2011

Sibur has become the largest company- seller in the chemicals and oil chemicals industry in 2011 that sold the assests for $1.997 bln, according to AK&M.
The chemicals and oil chemicals industry has become the leader by the volume of deals in 2011 in the Russia’s M&A market where 29 deals for $11.940 bln were signed.
The high growth of M&A deal is explained by the 2 main factors: the consolidation processes in the fertilizers market and a large-scale sale of non-profile assets of the oil chemicals holding –Sibur. The growth of the demand and prices in the world market contributed to the consolidation in the sphere.
The largest company-seller in 2011 was Sibur which in the process of 6 deals sold assets for $1.997 bln, according to AK&M.
The average cost of the deal in the chemicals and oil chemicals industry made up $120.8 mln (expect the largest ones). The stake in the total volume of the market is 15.7%.
The segment of fertilizers’ production has made the largest contribution to the M&A deals: there were 3 transactions for $9.623 bln. It is the largest deal of a year by the amalgamation of Silvinit and Uralkalii for $7.8 bln, the purchase by the structure of A. Rotenberg of “Minudobreniya” (Voronezh) for about $800 mln and the purchase by the SDS holding of “Sibur- Mineralnye udobreniya” for about $1 bln.
The second by the volume of deals was the tire segment, which is connected with the sale of the assets of “Sibur-Russian tires”, a part of which has been transferred to the JV Pirellin- Rostechnologii, another part – to the management of the plants. Earlier the company purchased the property complex Amtel-Chernozemie to integrate it in its structure. So in general there were 3 deals for $901.7 mln in this segment. 
The cosmetology and pharmaceutical segments were the most active by the number of deals. There were 6 deals for $711.1 mln for a year, the largest of which was the purchase of 82% of the “Kalina” concern for $582 mln by the Dutch concern Unilever.
Translated by Galiya Musabekova 

Oil and Gas, Metals and Mining, News from Russia and neighbouring countries
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