“Gazprom is able to provide for the rise in the demand in Asia, in spite of the South Stream.” – Miller.

Gazprom is sure it is be able to provide for the increase of gas intake in the Asian countries, in spite of the construction of the South Stream gas pipeline with the maximum capacity of 63 billion cubic meters per year, the CEO of Russian gas holding company, Alexey Miller, announced on Tuesday.

Replying to ournalists that Gazprom has enough gas for the Asian markets, when Russia decided to build the South Stream gas pipeline with the maximum capacity, Miller said: “We have unique large scale gas reserves at the East of Russia and we are ready to fullfill the needs at the Asian markets absolutely completely. We are not confused even with such high rates of increase in thef demand for gas, as, for example, in Japan, where the volume is almost 100 million tons of LNG – that’s plus up about 30% per year.”



Translated by Svetlana Kyrzhaly

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