Gazprom supplies a shipment of LNG for terminal launch in India

Gazprom Marketing and Trading Singapore (GM&TS, Gazprom’s structure) has supplied a shipment of liquefied natural gas (LNG) for the launch of the regasification terminal Dabkhol in India, the company reports.

The LNG terminal is located 340 km to the south of Mumbai. The terminal belongs to Ratnagiri Gas & Power Private Limited (RGPPL), the joint venture of GAIL Limited and National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC). GAIl is the commercial operator of the terminal, the RIA Novosti reports.

The shipment was delivered by LNG Pioneer and the discharge was completed on January, 11. The terminal, launched on the 10th of January, has a throughput capacity of 5 million tons per year and plans to double its capacity to 10 million tons in the next 2-3 years.

In October of 2012, GM&T и GAIL signed 20-year contract for LNG supplies. In accordance with the terms of the agreement, GAIL will receive 2.5 million tons of liquefied natural gas per year (equivalent to 3.5 billion cubic meters) during 20 years. LNG will come from Gazprom’s industrial facilities. According to the contract, the LNG price will be based on a formula with reference to the price of oil at terminals in India.

Translated by Svetlana Kyrzhaly

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