Ural Steel increases production of cast iron and steel

In the third quarter of 2015, Metalloinvest increased the production of cast iron by 6.8% to 0.6 million tons in comparison with the second quarter of 2015 due to the increase of the productivity of blast furnaces №1 and №2 and the planned reduction in repair time at Ural Steel.

"In July-September,steel production amounted to 1.1 million tons, which is by 5.2% more than in the previous period. The increase in volumes of steelmaking was caused by the growth in the loading of the continuous-casting machine-1 and the continuous-casting machine-2, as well as the planned reduction in repair time at the metallurgical plant Ural Steel. Increase in the production of cast iron by 10.6% to 1.8 million tons in the first nine months of 2015 was connected with the optimization of blast furnaces operation. In the period, the steel production didn’t change and was 3.36 million tons. In January-September, Metalloinvest doubled the supply of rolled metal for bridge construction," - the company reports.

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