Gazprom to raise LNG supplies

This year Gazprom is going to raise LNG supplies 50% to 2.5-3 million tons, F. Barnaud, the CEO of Gazprom Global LNG Limited reports. Last year the company sold 1.872 million tons of LNG equivalent to 2.47 billion cubic m of gas. Less than a half of the volume will be gas from Sakhalin and the rest is supplied from Egypt, Nigeria, Qatar and Australia, plus some volumes re-loaded from the USA. Mr. Barnaud says that their business is flexible because of successful participation in spot tenders and a strong shipping position. The company has achieved shining results in the whole of Asia, Kuwait, and at more traditional markets, such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China and India. They see that spot prices in Asia are already at the level of long term contracts and are likely to be slightly higher this winter. Within the next few  weeks or months they are going to complete negotiations for long term LNG supplies to India; the contract is bound to the oil price.

Translated by Nadezhda Poltoratskaya


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