The Murmansk region is interested in gas

The acting Governor of the Murmansk region, Marina Kovtun and Gazprom’s CEO, Alexei Miller discussed variants of gas supply to the Murmansk region during their working meeting in Moscow.

During the conversation, Marina Kovtun proposed to consider the possibility to construct a gas pipeline, which would connect the Kola Peninsula to the gas transportation system of the North-West of Russia, during the adjustment of the general scheme of the gas supply in the region.

- The question now is how gas will be supplied to the Murmansk region: in the form of liquefied natural gas or via a gas pipeline. There are several options. As the Shtokman field development was delayed, we can deliver gas via pipeline. The nearest connection to gas transport infrastructure may be carried out in Volkhov. And that means that we are talking about construction of a pipeline of 1 300 kilometers length. In order to make this project economically justified, the North must provide a certain amount of consumption, otherwise it will hardly be cost effective, - said Marina Kovtun.

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