VMZ produced almost 120 thousand tons of large diameter pipes in May

The Vyksa metallurgical plant in May 2011 increased large diameters pipes production by 10.4% against the same period in 2010 to 118.6 thousand tons.
In total in May VMZ produced 165.6 thousand tons of pipes of different assortment that meets the results of May 2010. The volume of pipes production in Jan-May 2011 made up 770 thousand tons including 482 thousand tons of big diameter pipes.
In May 2011 railway-wheel complex of VMZ produced 67.8 thousand tons of railway wheels that exceeds the results of May 2010 by 1.9 times. In Jan-May 2011 railway wheels production increases by 39.1% against the same period in 2010 to 338.1 thousand pieces.  

Translated by Galiya Davletgareeva 

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