Kazakh Ministry of External Affairs: Capacities of AEGas Terminal on transshipment of liquefied gas to Kerch to be extended

The Kazakh Ambassador in the Ukraine and Moldova Zautbek Turisbekov visited the autonomous republic Crimea; during the visit agreements on extension of AEGas Terminal’s capacities on transshipment of liquefied gas to Kerch were made, the press centre of the Kazakh Ministry of External Affairs reported on Monday.

According to the Ministry, during the visit meetings with the Chairman of the Crimea’s Council of Ministers Anatoly Mogilev, the Chairman of the Crimea’s Verkhovna Rada Vladimir Konstantinov and the Kerch’s mayor Oleg Osadchi took place; during these meetings actual issues of the Kazakh-Ukrainian economic partnership development and perspectives of the cooperation of Kazakh regions with Crimea were discussed.

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